Forgiving From a Place of Power

Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol
5 min readMar 31, 2018

Staying yourself while forgiving others.

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Photo by @ianstauffer

Having an unresolved energetic connection with another person put you at the whim of their emotion. This connection is very real and can make you off balance until you truly forgive them, and yourself.

This person, situation, thing, or event has taken you away from yourself by distracting yourself from who you truly are. It makes one lean into the energy, making us off Center. To correct this, we must realize we are the ones leaning, and are part of the force making us lean.

We must also forgive ourselves. Know that the person we are in the here now is the only I, the past self is another person, and can be forgiven just the same. Do not fall for the illusion you are the person you were yesterday, or a result of that person. You are the you you are in the NOW.

When we are forgiving another, it is important to be centered on our truest self. When we know who we are and are aligned energetically, grounded with our roots deep to the center of the earth, we are unshakable, and nothing can change us because we know who we are. This place of power is necessary to forgive because we can only forgive as our highest self. We must again become our most grounded self because this is what that person, event, or situation has taken from us.

We do this by first aligning our energy centers with a column of light. You can do this sitting or standing, relaxed yet firm, being pulled upward and downward in a straight line, breathing fully and slowly. Pull up the pure essence of who you are from your earth star chakra. Sit or stand directly over this chakra, your center, and Earth’s center. Feel your posture become strong and balanced. See into the core of the earth without looking down, and invite this energy up your spine as you invite your tension to relax downward into the void of nothingness. Once you are strong in your column of light stretching from the center of earth to the heavens, you are ready to allow yourself to let go.

Photo by Jared Rice

Visualize To Heal Inter-dimensionally

Apply a visualization technique to arrange the forgiveness in a way that the universe can understand. By tapping into the visual power of your mind, you can make a ripple effect that cures all the negative karma of this relationship. This ripple includes the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspect of you and the person.

Here is one technique

Visualize standing in front of the person and looking into their eyes. Be aware of the things this person has done. Allow yourself to be taken back to the event or events that have caused you great pain. Feel how you have felt then, allow it to overcome you. Let out any emotions that come along with that. Anything within you that you want to let go, now is the time. Once the release has been had, exhale any leftover emotion and center yourself in your imagination.

See yourself in the situation not as you were, but as an aligned column of light, perfectly over the center of earth, in perfect knowledge of who you are and your purpose. Grounded in this, see the exactness of the situation dissolve into shades of light. Literally, see the person, surrounding, and yourself in semi-transparent golden-white light of different brightness.

See the negativity as darkness propelled at you by a force of light behind it. You are now perfectly powerful and unmoved by this energy. it flows around you, not penetrating your light-shield even an inch. You now remember that all things are light and love, and start to see the pure energy behind the event. You see that the situation is off-balance, and that it is naturally attempting to make all else around it off-balance.

You are unfooled, looking toward the lesson of the light moving the force. One by one, see every piece of negative energy associated with the event or events sizzle and fall away, revealing only the light that resonates with your being. Feel tension melt from you as this happens. Let your exhales be vocal and really take time to feel the negative energy of the event leaving your body, sizzling into the light.

With everything else fallen now you can love. Remember that you love all things, and that you are here to learn. You are grateful for this opportunity to learn in a safe way. Be thankful for what you have learned, as now you understand more about balance, and won’t be fooled into leaning off your center again. You can now separate the event from the person, and know that the person is a piece of the infinite one just like you. Love this person like you love yourself, and feel this genuine love inside of you, warm, unrestrained, and feeding your true self.

Return to the visual of looking into the person’s eyes. Say “I forgive you” aloud and feel the vibration of truth in your voice. Visualize hugging them, and ad you do, them disappearing into a light mist. Keep hugging into yourself, and realize you have just learned a lesson from a part of yourself. You are the infinite one.

Photo by Dapo Oni

Why it Works

When we are viewing the situation from the highest self, we can see it from all angles, and understand that things aren’t going to make sense, that they are an unfolding of chaos. By seeing past the logical side, we can see the light of all things, and accept this lesson so we do not have to learn it again further down the line. By seeing the light of the situation, we are able to grow, and remove the attraction to the situation (the skewed perception) that will only bring similar situations we do not wish due to keeping us off balance of who we are. We realize that we have taken our peace from us, and rejoice in the power we have to regain and maintain this peace by remembering our truest self.



Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol

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