VICE published a completely false story about the Navajo Nation, and it’s concerning

Unintentional misinformation shows common misconceptions about the frequencies that permeate our lives.

Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol
5 min readOct 31, 2021

This VICE News documentary focuses on a fighter for the Navajo nation getting better internet access, who naïvely believes that a concept called spectrum is the foremost mechanism of the Internet. While spectrum is a measure related to how information transfers, the understanding presented in the video is so off-base that it not only negates the point of the journalism, it has the potential to activate people to follow a false narrative to damn themselves from ever getting the internet they deserve.

The bigger issue is the disconnect of understanding about electromagnetic frequencies and how these effect biological life, possibly allowing legislation to be passed that will allow “spectrums” that are harmful to life to be used for commercial purposes.

It's incredible a whole team looked at this and not one person questioned the underlying facts and science.



Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol
Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol

Written by Douglas James Butner 🜛 Gudasol

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